I'm a homeschooling mom of 2 great kids. I've been married to my wonderful husband since 1997. I love to crochet, knit, and digi scrap. So, you never know what I might post about!

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Saturday, December 15, 2007
Wow, what a busy week! For Hayley, anyway. Well, let's see, let's start with last week. We had our Bible study meeting on Wed, then Buddy went to work on Thurs and didn't get off 'till Mon morning. So, we didn't go to church on Sunday, but that's the only thing we missed. Then he went back to work Tues & Wed. The kids and I went to Bible study Wed night (potluck), then Buddy was home Thurs, so we skipped school and ran errands instead. Hayley had rehearsal for the Christmas play on Friday night, but we completely forgot about it 'till her ride showed up. We had our makeup day today (quiz day, so we couldn't skip it altogether), and tonight she's gone to a Christmas party at her Sunday school teacher's house. Buddy also happens to be at a Christmas party at work (he's on duty) so it's just Nathan, the dogs, and me here tonight. Maybe some day I'll get to go to a Christmas party. I went to one once when I was a kid, but it was Mom's office party...not really all that kid-friendly. On Tues night there's a Christmas party (potluck) at a church member's house and 3 different Bible study groups are invited, but I can't go to that one, either. Buddy will be at work, so the kids and I would have to bum a ride...again. Plus my step-mother, Linda, called yesterday and said she and my father are going to come visit on Tues and Wed. Hmmm...when was the last time I heard from them? Oh, yeah, it was nearly 2 years ago when I called to let them know they had a new grandson and they came to see us a few days later. Before that, about 5 years. She said they have Christmas & b-day presents for us. Oh, joy. Ok, enough complaining. I forgave her for all the crap she put me through as a kid. Now I need to give her a chance.

Anyway, Hayley's in the Christmas play at church this year. This is still the church's first year of existence, and our first year as churchgoers, so I think that's pretty cool! It's awesome to see God working in our lives! She's playing an angel. Yes, it's a stretch! LOL She gets to say the line about "For unto you this day is born a Savior who is Christ the Lord; and this shall be your sign: you shall find a baby wrapped in swaddling clothing and lying in a manger." And she gets to sing a solo. Well, really it's a duet, but the other girl sings the first verse alone and then Hayley sings the 2nd verse alone. I haven't been to any of the rehearsals, so I'm excited to see the whole thing all put together. I'm planning on taking my still camera to the dress rehearsal and my video camera to the actual performance. Both will be on Christmas Eve, dress rehearsal at 4 and the performance at 6.

This past week for our Bible study group, we finished reading The Purpose Driven Life and we were supposed to evangelize to unbelievers that we know. The assignment was 1 or 2 people each. I chose our neighbor, Everett, since 1) he was the only person I could think of and 2) I was wanting to clear the air with him. His house had been for sale for a while now, so I thought I should do it before he moved. Well, I didn't get around to it before Wed, and when Buddy was here on Friday, we saw that his house was empty and Buddy said that he'd seen a moving van over there loading stuff up. Today there was a U-Haul and 2 pickups over there. I don't know if they were moving things in or out, but Everett doesn't own a pickup. So, I guess I was too late. Oh, well, Maybe we'll get off on a better foot with whoever moves in there. And maybe I'll have a chance to invite them to church or evangelize to them. At least I won't have to go over there already knowing they don't like me.

Wow, I've got a lot to say today! Ok, so on to scrapping! So, I mentioned I'm on Pillowgirl's CT. I'm sporting these nifty blinkies around digiscrapping sites. For some reason I can't get them to be side-by-side here on blogger, so here they are, stacked.

So far, I've done these LOs with her Glitter for Christmas kit:

Nutty as a Fruitcake
O Christmas Tree

You can get the Christmas for Glitter kit here.

The latest progressive challenge ends tonight over at GDS and here's my finished LO:

Winter 2007

Let's see...anymore LOs I've done but haven't shared? Ah, yes, there's one! I just realized I went from telling you we didn't have a puppy yet to telling you "Nell has gotten out of the backyard 3 times!" The day after Thanksgiving, we went and got our puppy! It went about as well as the rest of the communication with the breeder went, but we did finally get her and brought her home. We finally finished fixing the fence the other day. It took a few trips to Lowe's to get it done because as soon as we'd board up one hole, she'd find another. This time, Buddy bought one extra board just in case we still missed a hole. I can see a place where he might have to use it, but she's growing so fast she might not end up fitting through it. She can put her nose through, but I don't guess she can fit her head through or the rest of her would be able to follow. It wouldn't take much digging to get it done if she wanted to, though, I don't think. Anyway, here's the first Nell LO I've done.

Warm Puppy Nell

Well, I desperately need a shower before we go to church in the morning and I'd love to take it as soon as possible, so I'm going to go put this little boy in his bed, put the little dog in her bed, and hit the showers, then put myself to bed. Before I go, I'll leave you with this passage:

Yahweh has heard my plea; Yahweh will receive my prayer. Psalm 6:9

Good night or day!

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